Monday, March 3, 2008

Saturday 6 baseball

a couple things to note. need some zone resharpening and work on my damn timing.
had a player look at me on a good third strike call and say "are you serious? that was i the dirt!"
told the coach i was not going to put up with that from any of the players

bases good.

coach was a jerk. first he refused to show at the plate meeting then he came late and interrupted with everything that was already covered. I told his assistant that he was still the one to talk to me if there was a question.
great game got pegged alot.
called a batters interference and the batter cried. coach wanted a warning and i told him not at this level.
second game nothing to note slow and quite.

had a pass ball on a third base lead third baseman grabbed the runner as the runner tried to advance. wished i could have awarded first.
out of play over throw awarded home from second (runner had achieved second and was on way to third) coached wanted a ruling explained that one base on dugout two on out of play. coach then said he knew that he just wanted to test me.
I told the coach that i had all the testing to get certified and that i would not have to take any more test.
he looked at me and knew what i meant.

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